The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature (Lastenkirjainstituutti) organizes a seminar on Estonian and Finnish Children’s and Youth Literature on Tuesday May 21st 2024 from 10.00 to 15.30 in Culture House Laikku ’s lecture hall (luentosali) in Tampere. Address: Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere.
The seminar is part of Word Bridges -project. In October 2023, the project brought together authors and illustrators of children’s literature from Finland and Estonia to get to know each other, network and develop ideas for cooperation between neighboring countries in the field of children’s literature. Word Bridges is part of Operation Pirkanmaa 2022–2024 -project and it is implemented in cooperation with Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskus. Learn more about the Word Bridges -project here.
Lastenkirjasilta – Sõnasillad – Word Bridges -seminar and exhibition will showcase the results of the project and cooperation opportunities to a wider audience, e.g., for publishers and others operating in the field of children’s literature.
The seminar is free of charge, but registration is needed. The registration ends on May 13th 2024. Registration is binding.
See also the exhibition in Laikku aulagalleria 21.5.-2.6.2024.
The program will be in English.
10.00-10.15 Welcome!
10.15-11.15 Children’s literature in Finland and in Estonia: statistics and themes
The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature (Lastenkirjainstituutti) & Estonian Children’s Literature Centre (Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskus)
11.15-12.00 Silent books – communication by pictures when words cannot be used
Finnish and Estonian authors of silent books, Meria Palin, Anu-Riikka Lampinen and Kertu Sillaste, discuss the viewpoints of making a silent book and its different possibilities.
12.00-12.30 The results and outputs of Word Bridges -workshops
The authors and illustrators who participated in Word Bridges -project workshops in fall 2023 present the work and ideas created in cooperation.
12.30-13.30 Lunch break
13.30-14.00 From ‘Vinski’ to ‘Wonder Boy’ – Selling Finnish book rights to Estonian publishers is different, in a good way!
Literary Agent Terhi Isomäki-Blaxall (Bonnier Rights Finland).
14.00-15.00 Neighbors with many similarities, but also with differences – Translating and publishing books from Finland to Estonia and vice versa
Translator and publisher Lauri Juursoo (Elust Enesest), publisher Kalle Niinikangas (Enostone) and translator Katariina Suurpalo. Leading the discussion: writer Anna Elina Isoaro.
15.00-15.30 Discussion on cooperation